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Inspiration for the development of The Heroes Game Book, authored by Harmonic Humanity Co-Founder, Joseph Jacques. 

Social Artistry is the art of enhancing human capacities in the light of social complexity. It seeks to bring new ways of thinking, being and doing to social challenges in the world Drawing upon its successes in training leaders in many countries and organizations throughout the world, social artistry brings state of the art discoveries in human capacity building to social transformation. Thus, it seeks to build a planetary society based on the principles of democracy, sustainable development, human-based needs and values, universal human rights, environmental protection, social justice, equality and the sovereignty and dignity of all peoples worldwide.

Jean Houston copySocial Artists are leaders in many fields who bring the same order of passion and skill that an artist brings to his or her art form and to the canvas of our social reality. It is within the deep work of Social Artistry that we can access the inner capacities to align ourselves with the earth’s higher purpose. Ultimately, it is about all of us together co-creating the human and social changes needed to make a better world. The core of this program is the 10 day summer leadership institute.

Jean Houston, Ph.D., scholar, philosopher and researcher in Human Capacities, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time. She is long regarded as one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement.  Dr. Houston is noted for her ability to combine a deep knowledge of history, culture, new science, spirituality and human development into her teaching.  She is known for her inter-disciplinary perspective delivered in inspirational and humorous keynote addresses.




Thirty years of work throughout the world with leaders in the fields of industry and government, education and health has convinced me that too many of the problems in societies today stem from leadership that is ill prepared to deal with present complexity. This is not just a matter of inadequate training in the realities of global change, but even more tragically, a lack of human resourcefulness, leaders living out of a field of awareness that limits their abilities to deal with their world. Too many leaders have been educated for a different time, a different world. Few are prepared for the task of dealing with the complexity and chaos of today when the usual formulas and stopgap solutions of an earlier era will not help. What is worse is the frequency with which leaders avoid working co-creatively with their constituents, thus continuing models of dependency and social apathy.

Worldwide, societies are crying for assistance in the transformation of their citizens, organizations, and institutions. New ways of looking at leadership are required, as well as new methods of developing human beings eager to serve humanity. In my work, under the auspices with the United nations and other International Agencies, I have worked in many countries bringing the principles of Social Artistry to the training of leadership so as to effect whole system shift.


We must begin to help people, citizens and leaders alike, to bring new mind to bear upon social change. In this way it is hoped that we can rise to the challenge of our times and ferry ourselves across the dangerous abyss that separates a dying era from a ‘borning’ one.

The work of Social Artistry is evolving and open-ended, striving to provide a dynamic balance between inner understanding and outward expression. The Social Artist is one who brings the focus, perspective, skill training, tireless dedication and fresh vision of the artist to the social arena. Thus the Social Artist’s medium is the human community. She or he seeks innovative solutions to troubling conditions, is a lifelong learner ever hungry for insights, skills, imaginative ideas and deeper understanding of present-day issues.


Social Artistry is a new profession whose craft could be said to be that of conscious evolution. We are living in the time of a choice point for an acceleration of the evolutionary or devolutionary process. As either the neurons or the cancer of the planet, we are now conscious of the tremendous responsibility that is ours: the capacity to direct enhancement or the destruction of ourselves, the earth, and all its creatures and forms. This new profession addresses the training of people who agree to this challenge and who have the maturity, initiative and vision as well as a passion for making a difference in the whole domain of human affairs. It requires considerable courage for what is being formed is possibly a movement as profound as it is outreaching in its implications for proactive social evolution.


Embracing the work of re-patterning human nature, the Social Artist learns…

  • To think like a planetary citizen,
  • To appreciate cultures and cultural stories and myths, while searching for the emergence of a new myth,
  • To offer new models and paradigms of organization,
  • To exhibit the joy of being a lifelong learner,
  • To bring laughter and delight to learning and change,
  • To serve as a healer of people and societies, and
  • To balance her/his life so that contemplation and meditation informs each action.

In order to achieve such worthy goals, a new paradigm of sustainable human development is required. It should be one that supports human development in its most primary form: the development of capacities, skills and potentials that activate both individuals and groups in ways that enhance their societal choices and commitments, liberate their inventiveness and raise levels of esteem and cooperation essential to carrying out the goals.

The Social Artist helps remove the obstacles that prevent people from being all they can be, thereby enabling them to realize their potential. The world-server as Social Artist is a listener and listens to the ideas, needs, aspirations and wishes of others and then helps them achieve it. To this end, participants of the present Social Artistry program, are invited to create and fulfill a specific project, one that will focus their human development while enabling social change.

For more information on Social Artistry, go to Or call the Jean Houston Foundation at 541-482-4240.

Buy this book, it’s nothing short of magical!

The wizard of us


In The Wizard of Us, discover the powerful, unique skills and qualities of Dorothy, the Wizard, and the other archetypes of mind, heart, and courage that live within each of us. With specific, easy-to-follow exercises and incredible “aha” insights, you’ll begin to expand your thinking, open your heart, and build the courage to truly connect with your own Hero’s Journey. This thoughtful, layered guide offers new understanding of the human condition, the importance of myth, and the critical nature of our role and how we can participate in the creation of a better world. The Wizard not only calls us forth but he has called forth the journey itself. It’s time to uncover your inner hero and become the essential human you were always meant to be.