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Our goal is to have The Hero’s Gamebook be the #1 universal skill-set for the stabilization of those that have just moved into a home.  Getting comfortable with their new environment both psychologically, socially and physically is vital to the mental health of an individual to play, “HOME” again.  And from that disposition comes a profound humility to see, hear and mentor that individual into a new context full of love, listening and reality creation.

This gamebook has teaching from Dr. Jean Houston, Dr. Arnold Mindell and James O’Dea.  These Cultural Creatives are world renown for their philosophy and teaching modalities.

Harmonic Humanity has hosted classes for the last 8 years at homeless shelters and multiple tent cities from Seattle to San Diego.  We’ve hosted workshops for Dignity Health staff members, Lucidity Festival attendees and USF College students.

At Harmonic Humanity we use positive psychology, philosophy, gaming technology, story based strategy and Transformational Education to transform lives from the inside out.  Homelessness or better said, Houselessness is a story that should have a beginning a middle and and end.  This gamebook offers the epic win-win needed to transform impossible dramas and persistent dilemmas into healthy adventure for the hero of the story to tackle through bravery, courage, transformation and love.  A way of seeing the world through the lens of The Hero’s Journey, is what this gamebook is about.

The Hero’s Gamebook creates epic context for action.  Together we build stories that help connect our individual life-play to a much bigger mission, like ending homelessness Nationwide.  Our team of educators / mentors for The Hero’s Gamebook are not telling, we’re not showing, we’re informing the doing – the actions that the students engage in challenges their old notion of life, their old identities, old archetypes and… their old worn out debilitating narratives that no longer serve self or community.


“Healing wounds means we active our power to change the old story”

                                                                                                             James O’Dea


Our goal is to inspire actions that create Self Motivated, Self directed, intensely interested, Genuinely enthusiastic individuals who harness unlimited potential to raise their standards.  Our goal is to enhance the quality of their lives and the lives of the community that surrounds them.

Games make us a  part of something bigger and give epic meaning to our actions.  A good working definition for “Epic” is something that far surpasses the ordinary, especially in size, scale, and intensity.  Something epic is hero proportions.  It’s time to re-frame our Homeless activism into a massive transformational hero’s game-play that is epic in nature, shape and aim.

This is a story of transformation and love; this is a story of you. You have a meaningful purpose and guiding forces for becoming all you are capable of being. Simply believe in yourself, and let angels do the rest.

This video below is Joseph Jacques ( The Co-Founder and Director of Harmonic Humanity ) hosting, “Goodness Circles” and introducing The Hero’s gamebook to those in soup kitchens while on The Goodness Tour 2015.

email Joseph At:   [email protected] for a evaluation for The Hero’s Gamebook, see if we’re a match to serve your marginalized demographic.

We use this movie as part of The Hero’s Gamebook. Special thanks goes to Patrick Soloman, the creator of this wonderful transformational film.

Below is the Trailer:


We invite you to pull back the curtain, to see how epic this film is.