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IMPACT 2009 through 2019


Distributed 25,000 music CDs.  We give the first 5 CDs to the vendor for free to get them started. After that the Harmonic Humanity vendor buys the CDs for $ 1 each and then sell the CDs for $10 each.

From 2009 through 2019 the Harmonic Humanity entrepreneurs / vendors raised an estimated $200,000 by selling the CDs.  Real change.


Hosted outreach walks each month from 2012 through 2019 served aprox. 20,000 individuals on the streets.

Approximately 1,200 psychiatrists, psychologists, health practitioners, and life-coaches worked with the Harmonic Humanity Counseling Department from 2012 through 2019 to serve homeless people living on the streets and facing or dealing with severe trauma.

Each month Harmonic Humanity spent $200 or more on supplies at the Dollar Store to distribute including toiletries and other simple necessities of life for everyone such as soap, razors, socks, toothpaste, tampons, hats, gloves, scarves, etc.

$20,000 was spent from 2012 through 2018.


2015 – 2018 partnership with University of San Francisco educating students on homelessness and the value of community service.  See the Harmonic Humanity video below of HOW we work with universities and the impact that we can have on our youth to play an important role in service to the community.

Homeless Student (Allen Jensen) was awarded a grant of $1000 to help with his needs.

Two Goodness Tours

Harmonic Humanity toured from Seattle to San Diego hosting Goodness Circles and delivering Harmonic Humanity music CDs

Goodness Tour 2014

Goodness Tour 2015

We are currently raising money and awareness around our new 2020 ~ 2025 Harmonic Humanity vision.

 Please join us.