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Harmonic Humanity’s music employment program allows us the opportunity to work one on one with individuals experiencing homelessness. The process starts with education, deepens with counseling and ultimately provides employment and training for the individual. That is why we hold  Education, Counseling and Employment as the three pillars of our outreach program.IMG_7087-2


Our education program begins at our CD  distribution hubs as a dialogue about financial responsibility, sales and dealing with one’s self and the public with dignity.  Homeless individuals who have the appropriate vendors license can purchase CDs for $1-2, depending on region and in turn, sell the CD on the streets for $10 keeping 100% of the profits.  A vendor who can learn and communicate the vision of Harmonic Humanity effectively with a positive attitude can make several sales.

Not only does this education  lead to an opportunity to change ones circumstances in a real way, it also acts as an experiential teaching method for cultivating basic business skills while simultaneously empowering the individual with the ability to generate their own money. Money that is used for critical items such as food, shelter, bus passes, clothing for work and more.

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In a survey in Seattle 90% of those surveyed reported a positive impact from the program and many vendors finding success have inspired others to join up. Because the Founder was himself homeless, special care has been taken to develop a program and approach to working with the vendors that takes real life experiences from actually being  homeless  to heart.


While the CD program provides a venue for the outreach program to begin,  it definitely does not end there. As a relationship with these individual vendors grows there comes a time where a second bridge is crossed. Our multi-leveled counseling program begins with a thought, “If you could change your life, would you?” The Hero’s Game Book is a 42 day follow along work-book for the homeless inspired by Joseph Jacques. The goal of the book is to educate people in ways that can help them to transform their lives starting within. To date, we have tested the program and the results were transformational. Read Angela’s Success Story. Our hope with our current fundraising effort is to develop and expand this program with copies of the book and a volunteer team of coach / counselors to help more individuals get through the process.

What sets us apart form other charity organizations is that we are actively applying the philosophy that true change happens within. We believe that we are the architects of our own lives. Everyone, men and women, rich and poor have their stories filled with struggle and triumph, victory and defeat. No one, we believe, is ever simply a victim of circumstance, destined to fail and be disregarded. The human spirit is alive in each of us, and we all can be a hero of our own story. Read More About Our Philosophy.


The final goal of our program is employment along with prosperity in the fullest sense. With the CD program we can teach responsibility and business skills. With our Hero’s Game Book, we begin assisting people in the inner journey towards confidence and strength. Our final goal is to help these individuals harmoniously lift their own spirits up and go for a job interview and the next steps of their new life; wholeness and prosperity and eventually the ability and will to turn around and help others to rise up as well.