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Becoming a Distributor for the Harmonic Humanity CDs

Thank you for saying “yes” to being  a Distributor for Harmonic Humanity’s CDs.  Together we can be a force for good for those in transition on the streets of America.  Our goal is to make our program as easy as possible so you, the Distributor, are easily enrolled in a sustainable model that benefits everyone involved, e.g. the whole and the part.

Our goal is to create long-term relationships with all of the partner hubs that support the proliferation of our aligned missions and ability to amplify support for low-income, disabled, and homeless individuals.

We have outlined (below) the benefits of the program for you to take to your board with a request and get a resounding “YES!”

How does “Your Community” stand to benefit from Harmonic Humanity’s program?

2 options:

1.  Charge the homeless $1 for the CD, give the first 5 for free to get them started.

2.  Charge the homeless $2 for the CD, give the first 5 for free to get started.

Option # 1:  Your non-profit or church is not needing to make any revenue from the CD.  The homeless earn $9 for each CD sold.

Option # 2:   You need to make some money to cover your overhead for staff members to work the program.  The homeless make $8 on each CD sold.

See below.

1.  REVENUE:  Your business has the potential to generate $100-$200 or more per day by distributing Harmonic Humanity CDs to vendors (the homeless), based on projections derived from our Seattle Pilot in 2009 where vendors were selling between 100 – 200 CDs per day. (Projections are calculated on a proposed per unit cost of up to $2. You retain $1 per CD for admin cost and remit $1 back to cover the cost of  manufacturing more CDs (roughly $1 per CD) Basically, Option #2

2.  BRANDING – YOUR LOGO or name will appear on the CDs, press releases, website and in print advertising and will be distributed across the U.S. via participating Street Papers and worldwide via the Web and global affiliates during the term that we choose to work together.

Below is an example of our San Fransisco CDs.  We’ll work with you to get the proper graphic design that works best for your company, city,  group, church or non-profit.


We feel the enhanced visibility will generate added value to the relationship between the organizations and help all to reach new vendors.

3 easy steps for making this fun and effective for your organization to assist the community.

  1. Have the leader of your team call the program director at 415-225-0042.
  2. Organize street teams to hand out information about ‘New CD program’ and where to get the CDs.
  3. Gift new vendors with five (5) CDs to get started, which  they can sell for $10 each.

Our new CD HERO, coming soon, will feature Grammy Award-winning & international rockstars such as Jason Mraz, Maroon 5, Michael Franti, John Butler Trio and others.

AA New HH logo

3.  VENDOR APPRECIATION:  During the pilot run in Seattle and now San Francisco, many vendors expressed their gratitude for the program. The benefit for your paper is that the program instills a sense of appreciation that will translate to vendor loyalty and commitment to your paper.

4.  FUNDRAISING POTENTIAL:  Harmonic Humanity has a mission to support organizations to alleviate poverty and homelessness throughout the world. In pursuit of this intention, we acknowledge the financial needs of all of the organizations involved and are committed to creating mutually beneficial relationships. We feel that our music program adds new potential fundraising opportunities for you.

Find a local conscious band that can play at your benefit.  Events such as these will not infringe upon your current funding base, but will add to your visibility and create new opportunities for both organizations.

If you have any question please email to:  [email protected]